Fluidised-bed incineration bottom ash as the sole precursor of alkali-activated binders: A comparison with bottom ash from grate incinerators

Authors: Alex Maldonado-Alameda; Jofre Mañosa; Josep Miro-Escola; Alex Camilo Quintero-Payan; Josep Maria Chimenos Journal: Construction and Building Materials Research Line: Construction, Environment Publication Date: December 01, 2022 Publication Highlights Alkali-activated binders using IBA from fluidised bed as sole precursor was … Continued

Reused and recycled. Archeometallurgical study of historical nails found in Guam, Mariana Islands and Western Pacific

Authors: Rebeca Salgado Pizarro; Sara Camacho; Sandra Montón-Subías; Natalia Moragas; A. Inés Fernandez Journal: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports Research Line: Material for Energy Publication Date: November 23, 2022 Publication Highlights This study marks a pioneering effort, revealing the archaeometallurgical … Continued