Nitrate salt-based nanofluids for thermal energy storage

Thesis Highlights The study presented results on nanofluids based on nitrate salts, focusing on their behavior, current state of research, potential as thermal storage fluids, and the underlying mechanisms contributing to modifications in heat capacity. Both experimental and computational analyses … Continued

Effect of Nanoparticles on the Thermal Stability and Reaction Kinetics in Ionic Nanofluids

Authors: Adela Svobodova Sedlackova; Sergio Huete Hernández; Alejandro Calderón; Camila Barreneche; Pablo Gamallo; A. Inés Fernandez Journal: Nanomaterials Research Line: Material for Energy Publication Date: May 23, 2022 Publication Highlights Through UV-Vis and FTIR spectroscopy, the nitrite concentration was monitored … Continued

La Dra. Xuriguera presenta les últimes novetats del projecte Base3D al Congrés SECV 2022 (LVIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio – Madrid 2022)

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La Dra. Elena Xuriguera investigadora principal per part de la UB del projecte BASE3D, presenta les últimes novetats amb el pòster titulat “Characterization and Optimization of Ceramic Suspensions for 3D Printing based on Stereolithography”. El projecte BASE3D està cofinançat pel … Continued