
Network R+D+I Energy for Society (XRE4S)

XRE4S is the R+D+I Network Energy for Society: a multidisciplinary and transversal ecosystem that gathers the expertise in the energy field of the main universities and research centers in Catalonia. The main goal is to promote the technology transfer and valorisation of energy technologies to industry and society.


  • Creation of a tech transfer ecosystem in energy in Catalonia.
  • Increase the number of patents and licenses.
  • Promote the valorisation of research results (to the productive and social sector).
  • Promote the creation of spin-offs.
  • Increase the use of equipment and services available in the XRE4S.
  • Train researchers in tech transfer.
  • Have a positive impact on society and public institutions.
  • Include the gender perspective.
  • Increase the percentage of private financing.


  • Meet the expert Inés Fernández

Interview with Inés Fernández, Director at the Centre of Design and Optimization of Processes and Materials (DIOPMA) from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), member of the XRE4S network.

  • Recycling steel byproducts inREto energy efficient building materials

The DIOPMA research group at the University of Barcelona has developed an innovative product that transforms the dust from electric arc furnaces into a valuable building product for construction applications. The innovation relies on the integration in a polymer matrix of the waste and a phase changing material, resulting in products with high thermal inertia.

Additional informationhttps://www.diopma.org/en/la-profesora-ana-ines-fernandez-preseta-en-open-innovation-area/

More information: XRE4SAna Inés Fernández


Investigadores de DIOPMA involucrados en el desarrollo del proyecto.
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