

BASE3D is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union in the framework of the Operational Program FEDER of through the Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament de Recerca i Universitats.

The emerging group BASE3D, coordinated by the CIM UPC, is a group of research centres created to promote research, technological development and innovation in 3D Printing, and which has proposed to increase the TRL (Technology Readiness Level) of various lines manufacturing of additive manufacturing technologies, and that it will do so by executing projects that total a global investment of about € 3.7 million.

For this, 4 projects have been promoted:

  • LIGHT3D is focused on studying 3D technologies related to laser and other light for additive manufacturing (3D printing) with the aim of improving the materials and their use for their different applications. LIGHT3D project is led by LEITAT.
  • FUSE3D has the challenge of improving the Technologies for semi-phase material deposition. FUSE3Dproject is led by HSJD.
  • INK3D is focused on technologies for the deposition of continuous inks. The aim is to improve the manufacture of complex and multimaterial parts, and the design of more efficient printing systems. INK3D project is led by the UPC BBT research group.
  • HYBRI3D aims to develop, optimize and integrate different additive manufacturing technologies to achieve a new hybrid manufacturing process (with different types of printing technologies) and high quality multimaterial. Simulations of the behavior of liquid and viscoelastic materials as possible components of the new technology will be tested. HYBRID3D project is lead from CIM UPC.

The DIOPMA center of the University of Barcelona participates in the BASE3D group, in the Hybrid3D project


More information: Elena Xuriguera


Investigadores de DIOPMA involucrados en el desarrollo del proyecto.
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