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Tenure Track Lecturer

Researcher in Sustainable Construction Materials. Waste and Byproducts valorization.

I have a bachelor’s degree in chemistry (2009) and a Master’s Degree in Advanced Chemistry specialized in Material Science (2011). I completed my PhD at the end of November 2015 in the DIOPMA research group in the Materials Science and Physical Chemical Department at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) with the mention of international doctorate and an Excellent Cum Laude mark, with the title “Characterization of polymers and Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage in buildings”.

I obtained the Extraordinary Doctoral Award in the academic course 2016-2017. Since 2009, I have been working with Dr Ana Inés Fernández in the research and development of materials for Thermal Energy Storage (TES): improvement of microencapsulating materials, thermal enhancement of Phase Change Materials (PCM), and cost-effective solutions for building applications. Arise from this research field, 11 research articles were published in highly prestigious international journals, five book chapters were published, and I attended 11 international conferences as a platform for spreading my research in the development of materials for efficient and sustainable energy management for TES. I have participated in two international projects and two national projects related to the TES field. Besides, in February 2014, I went to the Department of Chemical & Materials Engineering at the University of Auckland in New Zealand for three months as a part of my Pre-doc secondment and as a research collaboration with Prof. M. Farid. Along participating in the TES field, I have also gained great expertise in the environmental and sustainable reutilization of residues and by-products by working with Dr J.M. Chimenos and Dr Joan Formosa.

I am the principal investigator of five different projects with private companies. I have published a total number of 37 papers (June 2021) regarding both TES and construction materials fields, most of them published in JCR journals with very high impact and located in the first quartile of the areas where the journals are indexed. I am the first author in 57 % of my publications. Likewise, Fundació Agustí Pedro i Pons granted me in November 2015 with the recognized Post-Doctoral grant awarded by the prestigious Dipartimento di Ingegneria “Enzo Ferrari”, with the title of the project: “Reutilization of residues for the development of sustainable geopolymers”. In addition, of the 84 co-authors, 55 are members of international institutions. I have attended more than 40 Congresses (national and international), and I was involved with the amount of 2,374,125 € in the TES and construction materials fields. Thus, the link with research centres and Universities in the international field is noteworthy. I obtained the competitive Spanish fellowship Juan de la Cierva‐Incorporación (2020‐2023) in the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA) group in the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) institution. The research was about new construction materials through waste. This contract lasts 3 months, as in January 2020, I won the prestigious Serra Húnter competition at the UB, becoming a Part-time Lecturer. Regarding my teaching activity, I started as a Part-Time Lecturer P3 in 2013 at the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy Engineering, Universitat de Barcelona (UB). Afterwards, in 2015 I won a Temporary part-time lecturer P6 (6+6) at the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy Engineering. I have the accreditation Associate Professor in the field of Engineering and Architecture by the Agency for the Quality of the University System of Catalonia (AQU) from 2016. Besides, I also have the research accreditation by the AQU in 2020. As above-mentioned, since 2020, I am a Part-time Lecturer (Serra Húnter) at the Department of Materials Science and Physical Chemistry (UB), becoming. I lecture different types of teaching such as Theoretical, Practical problems, Laboratory Practices, Special practices, and Communicative oral practices in the Materials Engineering, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, and Physics Degrees. The surveys from the students of Materials Engineering and Chemistry Degrees are very satisfactory, being 10% above the Professors’ average qualifications for both Degrees. I supervised a total of 8 EHEA Bachelor’s degree final projects and 1 Master’s degree final project. I supervised Dr Àlex Maldonado’s PhD Thesis “Formulation and characterization of new geopolymers based on the valorization of Municipal Solid Wastes” in a co-supervisory regime. Currently, I am co-supervising Ms Anna Alfocea’s PhD Thesis “Formulation and characterization of alkali-activated cements and mortars by using different wastes and by-products as precursors”. I have been 17 times committee member of the EHEA Bachelor’s degree final Project and 3 times PhD Committee member of International PhDs. Since 2016 I am a member of the Innovation group for the Improvement of Teaching in Structure, Properties and Processing of Materials (GIMDEPPM), and since 2019 I am the responsible for the teaching innovation project coordinator: Implementation of the reverse classroom methodology – time teaching modality (JITT) – in the subject of Materials Science of the Degree in Chemistry.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3226-9752

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jessica-Giro-Paloma

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessica-giró-paloma-2387a241

Mail: jessicagiro@ub.edu

Phone Number: (+34) 93 403 72 44

Twitter: https://twitter.com/jessica_giro?lang=es

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