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Full University Professor

Materials Selection, Sustainability. Life Cyce Assesment. Circular Economy. Nanoindentation. Metal alloys.

Dr. Segarra is currently Full Professor of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering at the Department of Materials Science and Physical Chemistry of the Universitat de Barcelona.

She belongs to the research group Centre for Design and Optimization of Processes and Materials (DIOPMA) (being director between 2003 and 2014). Her interests in research have been focused on the synthesis and microscopical characterization of ceramic materials, as well as the characterization of their mechanical properties at nanoscale by instrumented nanoindentation. She is also working on the synthesis and characterization of metal alloys, and on the selection of materials for efficient and sustainable processes and systems, and currently in everything related to the life cycle of materials, their sustainability and circular economy. Her research activity has led to more than 100 articles in indexed journals, more than 180 participations in conferences at both national and international level, and she has supervised 12 PhD Thesis. She has participated in 11 international research projects (being PI in 3 of them), 16 national projects and 24 granted by the autonomous government. She is member of the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of the UB (IN2UB), the R&D+I Network Energy for Society (XRE4S), the Spanish Society of Materials (SOCIEMAT), the Spanish Society of Ceramics and Glass (SECV), the Spanish Network for Thermal Energy Storage (RedTES), the Inclusive Resilient and Sustainable Cities Network (CIRES), and the PhD network on Innovation Pathways for Thermal Energy Storage (INPATH-TES). Currently, she coordinates the Iberoamerican Renewable Energy and Environmental Care Network (RIbERA), in which 30 universities and research centres from 13 countries participate.

She has held several management positions at the University of Barcelona: Secretary of the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering (2005-2010), Head of the same department (2010-2013), Coordinator of the Master in Energy Engineering (2007-2010), Secretary of the council of studies of the degree of Materials Engineering, Vice-Dean of Research and Technology Transfer at the Faculty of Chemistry (2017-2021), and now Vice-Rector of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer at UB (2021-). As Vice-Rector, she is in charge of spin off promotion and holding, patent and licensing, R+D collaboration with private corps, and student start up promotion and incubation. She is also representative of the University of Barcelona in European groups/committees related with entrepreneurship, innovation, and knowledge transfer.





Phone Number: (+34) 93 403 13 16


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