PLASTIC0PYR project consists on developing strategies for reducing plastic pollution and improving the ecological quality and environmental services of mountain rivers.

The main objective is to reduce, in a sustainable way, the accumulation of plastics in mountain ecosystems in the Pyrenees of Catalonia, Andorra and France; and their subsequent transport to the sea.

The expected results for this project are:

  • Development of a set of tools to assess and disseminate the environmental impact of plastics in river ecosystems.
  • Decrease in the production of plastic waste and an improvement in its management.
  • Citizen participation in plastic pollution research and in the co-creation of self-sustaining use and replacement models.

This project will provide unique protocols for sharing in the three countries that represent a cost reduction in the development of management strategies. The originality and novelty of the project lies in the development of a strategy involving citizens, research centers, specialized companies and local agents in research, dissemination of environmental problems and co-creation of business models of circular economy.

PLASTIC0PYR project has been financed 65% by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg V-A Spain-France-Andorra program (POCTEFA 2014 to 2020).

More information:, Dr. Mónica Martínez

Research category: Environment