Understanding the abnormal thermal behavior of nanofluids through infrared thermography and thermo‑physical characterization

Adela Svobodova, Alejandro calderón, Camila Barreneche, Pablo Gamallo, A.Inés Fernández


Scientific Reports, 2021, Vol 11, article number 4879

Quartile Q1, Impact 4.576

Thermal energy storage or heat transfer materials are essential for a large number of applications; from renewable energy to the medicine field. Therefore, research in high-performance materials is necessary for the development of high-efficiency technologies. In recent years, the so-called nanofluids (colloidal systems of nanoparticles in suspension) have emerged with improved thermo-physical properties (i.e. increases up to 30% of specific heat capacity).

Despite their high potential,the theoretical mechanisms that modify their properties are unknown: making its industrial application difficult.

Through infrared thermography and thermo-physical characterization of NaNO3 with SiO2 nanoparticles, the formation of a “semi-solid” layer was observed. This layer generates interfaces with a high specific surface area. This phenomenon mainly explains the increase in the heat capacity of the system. Therefore, this study helps to take a step forward in the field of nanofluids and their application.


The research leading to these results is partially funded by the Spanish government RTI2018-093849-B-C32, RTI2018-094757-BI00, MDM-2017-0767, MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE and MAT2016-75823-R. The authors would like to thank the Catalan Government for the quality accreditation given to their research groups DIOPMA (2017 SGR 118) and CMSL (2017 SGR 13). A.S thanks to Generalitat de Catalunya for her Grant FI-DGR 2018. Finally, P.G. thanks Generalitat de Catalunya for his Serra Húnter Associate Professorship.

Research category: Energy

Projects associated: MATCE: Methodology for analysis of thermal energy storage technologies towards a circular economy