Water treatment sludge as precursor in non-dehydroxylated kaolin-based alkali-activated cements

Publication Highlights

  1. Undehydrated commercial raw clay was used as main precursor for AAC’s formulation.
  2. Water treatment sludge partially replacing raw clay was also used as a precursor.
  3. Al and Ca coming from the WTS are involved in the gelation process of AAC formed.
  4. The use of WTS for sustainable cement formulation provides added value to the waste.

Funding Organizations

Spanish government: PID2021-125810OB-C21 “DESARROLLO DE MATERIALES CEMENTICIOS ECOEFICIENTES, CON BAJO IMPACTO Y ALTA DURABILIDAD”, TED2021-129718B-I00 “Hormigón arquitectónico no estructural para uso urbano formulado con cementos activados alcalinamente utilizado como precursor escorias de incineración de residuos municipales”.

Generalitat de Catalunya: DIOPMA (2017 SGR 188).