Authors: Jofre Mañosa; Joan Formosa; Jessica Giro-Paloma; Alex Maldonado-Alameda; Margarida J. Quina; Josep Maria Chimenos
Journal: Construction and Building Materials
Research Line: Construction, Environment
Publication Date: October 29, 2020
Publication Highlights
- Water treatment sludge (WTS) is incorporated to expanded clay for LWA production.
- The expanding properties of LWA are slightly reduced with WTS addition.
- LWAC formulated with commercial LWA is similar to LWAC with LWA containing WTS.
- WTS can be revalorised by LWA production.
Funding Organizations
Spanish government: PID2021-125810OB-C21 “DESARROLLO DE MATERIALES CEMENTICIOS ECOEFICIENTES, CON BAJO IMPACTO Y ALTA DURABILIDAD”, TED2021-129718B-I00 “Hormigón arquitectónico no estructural para uso urbano formulado con cementos activados alcalinamente utilizado como precursor escorias de incineración de residuos municipales”.
Generalitat de Catalunya: DIOPMA (2017 SGR 188).