Fluidised-bed incineration bottom ash as the sole precursor of alkali-activated binders: A comparison with bottom ash from grate incinerators

Authors: Alex Maldonado-Alameda; Jofre Mañosa; Josep Miro-Escola; Alex Camilo Quintero-Payan; Josep Maria Chimenos

Journal: Construction and Building Materials

Research Line: Construction, Environment

Publication Date: December 01, 2022

Publication Highlights

  1. Alkali-activated binders using IBA from fluidised bed as sole precursor was assessed.
  2. The results were compared with those obtained with moving grate bottom ash.
  3. Fluidised bed bottom ashes have a higher SiO2 content but lower availability.
  4. Binders have lower compressive strength than those from moving grate bottom ash.
  5. Except for As and Sb, leached metals are below limits set for non-hazardous waste.

Funding Organizations

Spanish government: PID2021-125810OB-C21 “DESARROLLO DE MATERIALES CEMENTICIOS ECOEFICIENTES, CON BAJO IMPACTO Y ALTA DURABILIDAD”, TED2021-129718B-I00 “Hormigón arquitectónico no estructural para uso urbano formulado con cementos activados alcalinamente utilizado como precursor escorias de incineración de residuos municipales”.

Generalitat de Catalunya: DIOPMA (2017 SGR 188).