Authors: Jofre Mañosa; Jesús Serrano-Conte; Alex Maldonado-Alameda; Meritxell Aulinas; Josep Maria Chimenos
Journal: Journal of Building Engineering
Research Line: Construction
Publication Date: April 20, 2023
Publication Highlights
- Volcanic Ash from the Tajogaite eruption is suitable for the formulation of alternative cements.
- The use of Volcanic Ash deposits offers economic benefits and a negative environmental impact.
- To boost sustainability, activators only used high-concentration NaOH solutions.
- The best compressive strength (16.5 MPa) was obtained with 6 M NaOH solution.
- Sustainable AAB have been formulated using only volcanic ash as a precursor.
Funding Organizations
Spanish government: PID2021-125810OB-C21 “DESARROLLO DE MATERIALES CEMENTICIOS ECOEFICIENTES, CON BAJO IMPACTO Y ALTA DURABILIDAD”, TED2021-129718B-I00 “Hormigón arquitectónico no estructural para uso urbano formulado con cementos activados alcalinamente utilizado como precursor escorias de incineración de residuos municipales”
Generalitat de Catalunya: DIOPMA (2017 SGR 188).