Optimization of the ceramic ink used in Direct Ink Writing through rheological properties characterization of zirconia-based ceramic materials

Mona Yarahmadi, Pol Barcelona, Gemma Fargas, Elena Xuriguera, Joan Josep Roa


Ceramics International, Volume 48, Issue 4, 15 February 2022, Pages 4775-4781

This study was carried out to understand and optimise the rheological properties characterisation of zirconia (ZrO2) based ceramic inks. The objective is to produce components using Direct Ink Writing (DIW) technology to achieve complex structures with properties similar to those obtained using traditional processing routes. Different ZrO2-based ceramic materials with 3% and 8% yttrium contents were designed and produced by DIW, and different ceramic inks with charges of up to 75 wt % were prepared and characterised. The results show that the rheological properties of zirconia-based ceramic inks are influenced by the particle size and amount of ceramic content and exhibit a non-Newtonian behaviour depending on the amount of ceramic present. Furthermore, it was found that the yttrium content affects the flow properties of ZrO2 suspensions, and the optimal ceramic charge was determined to be 73% and 70% for 3Y- and 8Y-ZrO2 ceramics, respectively.


This work has been partially funded by the EU Regional Development within the framework of the Operational FEDER of Catalonia 2014-2020 RIS3CAT BASE3D and co-funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) from European Union, inside the regional operating program of Catalunya 2014-2020, with an import of 1.887.221,20€ (SIFECAT 001-P-001646), by MICINN funds PID2019-106631GB-C41. The researches leading to these results have received funding from the European project AMITIE (Marie Skłodowska Curie Grant Agreement n°734342). JJR is Serra Húnter fellow from Generalitat de Catalunya.

Research category: Additive Manufacturing

Projects associated: BASE 3D

Doctoral Thesis: –