Utilización de subproductos de magnesio para la recuperación del fósforo en estaciones depuradoras de aguas residuales mediante precipitación de Estruvita MAGNYFOS (RTC2019-007257-5)

MAGNYFOS project has been financed by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) RTC2019-007257-5.

The Magnyfos project seeks to design and develop a technological solution that will be based on the use of magnesium by-products generated during the calcination of natural magnesite to efficiently and economically recover the phosphorus contained in urban wastewater. This innovative methodology aims to contribute to the elimination of an important source of contamination of aquifers and also promote the circular economy, by taking advantage of an industrial by-product that is very abundant in Spain during the process. The project has a total budget of close to 697,000 euros, and is part of the Retos Colaboración call of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, whose objective is to finance cooperative projects between companies and research organisations.

The consortium is led by Navarra de Infraestructuras Locales, S.A. / Departamento de Cohesión Territorial del Gobierno de Navarra (NILSA) and the partners are Ceit, Universitat de Barcelona through its OTRI – Fundació Bosch I Gimpera – and the company Magnesitas Navarras, S.A.

The main objective of this project is to design, develop and validate a new technological solution in a real environment that allows the efficient recovery of phosphorus contained in urban wastewater, while revaluing industrial by-products with a high magnesium content. This new technological solution will therefore allow progress in the modern conception of WWTPs as stations for the recovery and revaluation of resources, coming not only from wastewater but also from industrial by-products.



More information: Josep Maria Chimenos Ribera

Research category: Environment