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Associate Professor

Researcher in Additive Manufacturing, DIW and Robocasting. 3D Printing.

In 2000, I joined the DIOPMA research group (Design and Optimization of Processes and Materials) directed by Dr. Mercè Segarra, Professor of the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering of the University of Barcelona . Having participated in numerous research projects funded by public and private institutions, the group obtained accreditation from the Center for Innovation and Business Development (CIDEM) of the Generalitat de Catalunya as an intensive center of technology transfer, called TECNIO centers. In 2005 the group obtained the accreditation of a consolidated research group until today (2017 SGR 0118). The beginning of my research activity was in the line of textured silver as a substrate in high temperature superconductors.

Currently I have dedicated part of my research activity to 3D printing since four years, participating in two projects with companies (Retos-Collaboracion and subcontracted in a CDTI). In addition, I have a project as principal investigator in the 2016 – Proyectos I+D+i – Programa estatal de investigación, desarrollo e innovación orientada a los retos de la sociedad, related to 3D printing. I had also a funding for a three-month stay at the Center of Advanced Structural Ceramics, CASC, of Imperial College of London from February 1 to May 1, 2017 to be able to improve and deepen the field of preparation of Printable inks for additive manufacturing based on the Direct Ink Writing (DIW) or Robocasting system. This group is one of the most important groups at European level in this field and it has allowed me to expand my knowledge in this field and to establish a collaboration at international level.

Following the projects granted and where I am actively working and the three-month stay, numerous new challenges have always arisen related to additive manufacturing for 3D printing. Specifically, in the simultaneous printing of two or more materials by means of additive manufacturing based on the DIW or Robocasting system, since it is one of the few additive techniques that allow printing two or more materials to be able to make multimaterial devices. All this, combining it with other lines of research already developed. Recently I have received a Europa Investigación (2019) to present an H2020 project on the subject of additive manufacturing.

My scientific career has been closely related to the industrial sector, participating in more than 50 projects with companies since my incorporation to the group, giving rise to four awards granted to the research group for successfully technology transfer projects. I have actively participated in eight national projects, in addition to the mentioned 3D printing project. I have also collaborated on three international projects, of which I have been the PI in one of them, EUROTAPES, European develpment of Superconducting Tapes: integrating novel materials and architectures into cost effective processes for power applications and magnets FP7-NMP-Large-2011- 280432 (2012-2017). Giving rise to publications and a patent. I have participated in more than 70 national and international conferences and published 29 scientific articles in prestigious journals. Currently, I have four scientific articles submitted in the review stage on additive manufacturing and two in preparation, as a result of the projects received in the additive manufacturing research line. I have a long experience in transversal fields collaborating with very diverse groups, always contributing with my knowledge in the characterization and knowledge of the extensive world of materials.

The beginning of my teaching activity was in 2003 in the degrees of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Physics and Materials Engineering. I finished my teaching activity in 2013, combining the last year as scientific director of R & D & I at La Farga Lacambra, finally occupying that position for three years. I currently have the position of Assisted Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Physical Chemistry at the University of Barcelona since March of 2021.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5404-7849

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Elena-Xuriguera

Mail: xuriguera@ub.edu

Phone Number: (+34) 934 02 13 16

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