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Full University Professor

Materials recycling, sustainable construction materials, environmental improvement processes research.

Dr Chimenos is currently Full Professor of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering at the Department of Materials Science and Physical Chemistry at the Universitat de Barcelona.

Since 1990 he has been a member of the Research Group Centre for Design and Optimization of Processes and Materials (DIOPMA), being director between 2015 and 2020. The research group obtained the accreditation from the Innovation and Business Development (CIDEM) of the Generalitat de Catalunya as an intensive centre of technology transfer to the companies (TECNIO). In 2005, the group obtained the accreditation of a consolidated research group to date (2017 SGR 0118). Likewise, the group is a research centre attached to the R+D+I Network Energy for Society (XRE4S), to the Spanish Thematic Network of Thermal Energy Storage, to the Iberoamerican Renewable Energy and Environmental Care Network (RIbERA) and the Red Cidades Inclusivas Resilientes Eficientes e Sustentáveis (CIRES). Within the research group DIOPMA, Dr Chimenos is currently the principal investigator of the projects in the area of Materials Recovery and Recycling, and Environment. His research is mainly focused on the study of alternative binders to Portland cement, formulation of sustainable materials for construction, reuse of magnesium by-products in environmental technology, and characterisation, stabilization and reuse of residue from waste-to-energy plants. About this research topic, he has supervised 8 doctoral theses and 4 more ongoings, as well as several final degree and master projects.

His research activity has resulted in more than 105 articles in indexed journals, 25 patents and more than 120 participation in congresses. He has participated in numerous competitive research projects funded by international, national and regional public sources, as well as in collaborative projects with private entities, with a large majority of them being the principal investigator.





Phone Number: (+34) 934 02 12 98


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