​Evolution of PP-R Pipe Properties in Service

Thesis Highlights This thesis centers on the enhancement of PP-R pipes, a prominent product in the Spanish market, through the exploration of significant milestones and novel concepts. To simulate real plumbing conditions, a pilot plant has been established for the … Continued

Development of magnesium phosphate micro-mortars formulate with byproducts and industrial wastes

Thesis Highlights Utilization of CSP and PV as micro-aggregates in Sust-MPC micro-mortars reduces theenvironmental impact and aligns with circular economy principles, sustainability, and zerowaste management through revalorization. Micro-mortars with Sust-MPC and CSP as micro-aggregate exhibit improved mechanical strength and thermal … Continued

Desenvolupament de nous materials basats en alúmina per a fabricació additiva mitjançant estereolitografia

Author: Dr. Pol Barcelona Pons Advisors: Dr. Elena Xuriguera, Dr. Jose Antonio Padilla Programme: Engineering and Applied Sciences Research line: Additive Manufacturing Thesis defense date: January 27, 2023 Abstract Stereolithography (SLA) consists of the photopolymerization of a liquid resin in … Continued