Fluidised-bed incineration bottom ash as the sole precursor of alkali-activated binders: A comparison with bottom ash from grate incinerators

Authors: Alex Maldonado-Alameda; Jofre Mañosa; Josep Miro-Escola; Alex Camilo Quintero-Payan; Josep Maria Chimenos Journal: Construction and Building Materials Research Line: Construction, Environment Publication Date: December 01, 2022 Publication Highlights Alkali-activated binders using IBA from fluidised bed as sole precursor was … Continued

Effect of Temperature and Humidity on the Synthesis of Alkali-Activated Binders Based on Bottom Ash from Municipal Waste Incineration

Pietro C. D. Tortora, Alex Maldonado-Alameda, Jofre Mañosa, Alex C. Quintero-Payan, Cristina Leonelli, Isabella Lancellotti and Josep M. Chimenos. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14031848 Sustainability 2022, 14, 1848 Quartile Q2, Impact 3.251 Weathered bottom ash (WBA) from municipal solid waste incineration is a calcium … Continued

Effect of Temperature and Humidity on the Synthesis of Alkali-Activated Binders Based on Bottom Ash from Municipal Waste Incineration

Authors: Pietro C. D. Tortora; Alex Maldonado-Alameda; Jofre Mañosa; Alex Camilo Quintero-Payan; Cristina Leonelli; Isabella Lancellotti; Josep Maria Chimenos Journal: Sustainability Research Line: Construction, Environment Publication Date: February 06, 2022 Publication Highlights The research emphasizes the viability of using the … Continued