Sustainable magnesium phosphate micromortars formulated with PAVAL® alumina by-product as micro-aggregat

Authors: Sergio Huete Hernández, Alex Maldonado Alameda, Anna Alfocea Roig, Jessica Giró Paloma, Josep Maria Chimenos Ribera, Joan Formosa Mitjans Journal: Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Ceràmica y Vidrio Research Line: Construction Publication Date: February 2, 2023 Publication Highlights … Continued

Preliminary Study of New Sustainable, Alkali-Activated Cements Using the Residual Fraction of the Glass Cullet Recycling as Precursor

J. Giro-Paloma, A. Maldonado-Alameda, A. Alfocea-Roig, J. Mañosa, J. M. Chimenos, J. Formosa Applied Sciences, 2021, Vol 2, Pages 3528 Quartile Q2 (2019), Impact (2019) 2.474 During the glass selection process by optical sorting equipment, a rejection material called … Continued

Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Bottom Ash as Sole Precursor in the Alkali-Activated Binder Formulation

A. Maldonado-Alameda, A. Alfocea-Roig, J. Formosa, J. Giro-Paloma, J.M. Chimenos Applied sciences, 2020, 10, 12, 1-15 Quartile Q2, Impact 2.679 The concern about the large amount of weathered bottom ash (WBA) produced in waste-to-energy plants (WtE) has caused an increased search … Continued