Rapid sintering of weathered municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash and rice husk for lightweight aggregate manufacturing and product properties

Authors: Jessica Giro-Paloma; Jofre Mañosa; Alex Maldonado-Alameda; Margarida J. Quina; Josep Maria Chimenos Journal: Journal of Cleaner Production Research Line: Construction, Environment Publication Date: September 03, 2019 Publication Highlights The study successfully demonstrated the production of lightweight aggregates from a … Continued

Alkali-Activated Cements for TES Materials in Buildings’ Envelops FormulatedWith Glass Cullet Recycling Waste and Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials

Jessica Giro-Paloma, Camila Barreneche, Alex Maldonado-Alameda, Miquel Royo, Ana Inés Fernández, Josep M. Chimenos https://doi.org/10.3390/ma12132144 Materials, 2019, 12, 13, 1-11 Quartile Q2, Impact 3.057 Within the thermal energy storage field, one of the main challenges of this study is the … Continued

Rapid sintering of weathered municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash and rice husk for lightweight aggregate manufacturing and product properties

J. Giro-Paloma, J. Mañosa, A. Maldonado-Alameda, M.J. Quina, J.M. Chimenos https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.06.010 Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, Vol 232, Pages 713-721 Quartile Q1, Impact 7.246 This study assessed the technical feasibility of formulating lightweight aggregates (LWA) from municipal solid waste incinerator … Continued