Designing thermal regulation materials: Investigating alkylamine length in polymorphic layered hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites

Authors: Rebeca Salgado Pizarro; Adela Svobodova; Camila Barreneche; A. Inés Fernandez Journal: Journal of Energy Storage Research Line: Material for Energy Publication Date: October 11, 2023 Publication Highlights Tailoring thermal properties by varying the alkylammonium length in LHOIP. Description of … Continued

Synthesis optimisation of copper-based layered perovskites as thermal energy storage materials

Authors: Rebeca Salgado Pizarro; Camila Barreneche; A. Inés Fernandez Journal: Materials Today Chemistry Research Line: Material for Energy Publication Date: March 30, 2023 Publication Highlights Two synthesis methods were successfully used to obtain CuC12. The viability of using methanol, ethanol … Continued

Reused and recycled. Archeometallurgical study of historical nails found in Guam, Mariana Islands and Western Pacific

Authors: Rebeca Salgado Pizarro; Sara Camacho; Sandra Montón-Subías; Natalia Moragas; A. Inés Fernandez Journal: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports Research Line: Material for Energy Publication Date: November 23, 2022 Publication Highlights This study marks a pioneering effort, revealing the archaeometallurgical … Continued