High-porosity alkali-activated binders based on glass and aluminium recycling industry waste

Authors: Alex Maldonado-Alameda; Jofre Mañosa; Teresa López-Monter; Roger Catalán-Parra; Josep Maria Chimenos Journal: Construction and Building Materials Research Line: Construction, Environment Publication Date: August 03, 2023 Publication Highlights about alkali-activated binders CSP and PAVAL are generated during the glass and … Continued

Researchers From DIOPMA Attended The 7 th Non-Traditional Cement and Concrete Conference

We are thrilled to share with you the participation of the construction research group at DIOPMA, led by Prof. Josep Maria Chimenos and the PhD candidates Anna Alfocea and Jofre Mañosa, in the Non-Traditional Cement and Concrete Conference held in … Continued

Kaolinite structural modifications induced by mechanical activation

Authors: Jofre Mañosa; Jaume Calvo-de la Rosa; ; Alessio Silvello; Alex Maldonado-Alameda; Josep Maria Chimenos Journal: Applied Clay Science Research Line: Construction Publication Date: June 01, 2023 Publication Highlights Mechanical activation strongly modifies kaolin’s structure. X-ray diffraction reference intensity ratio … Continued